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Genetic Diversity of Mitochondrial DNA of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) Associated with Cassava and the Occurrence of Cassava Mosaic Disease in Zambia

Author or Institution as Author
Patrick Chiza Chikoti

Mathias Tembo , James Peter Legg , Rudolph Rufini Shirima, Habibu Mugerwa and Peter Sseruwagi 

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Bemisia tabaci is an important vector of cassava brown streak viruses and cassava mosaic begomoviruses, the causal agents of cassava brown streak disease and cassava mosaic disease (CMD), respectively. A study was carried out to determine the genetic variability of B. tabaci associated with cassava and the occurrence of CMD in Zambia in 2013 and 2015. Phylogenetic analysis showed the presence of only the sub-Saharan Africa 1 (SSA1) genetic group in Zambia. The SSA1 population had three population subgroups (SGs): SSA1-SG1, SSA1-SG2 and SSA1-SG3. All three SSA1 population subgroups occurred in Western Province. However, only SSA1-SG3 occurred in Eastern Province, while only SSA1-SG1 occurred in North Western and Luapula Provinces. Adult B. tabaci were most abundant in Western Province in 2013 (11.1/plant) and 2015 (10.8/plant), and least abundant (0.2/plant) in Northern Province in both 2013 and 2015. CMD was prevalent in all seven provinces surveyed, with the highest incidence recorded in Lusaka Province in both 2013 (78%) and 2015 (83.6%), and the lowest in Northern Province in both 2013 (26.6%) and 2015 (29.3%). Although SSA1-SG1 occurred at greater abundances than the other subgroups, there was no direct association demonstrated between whitefly subgroup and incidence of CMD. Establishing which B. tabaci genetic groups and populations are associated with CMD and their distribution in the country is a key factor in guiding the development of CMD control strategies for cassava-dependent households.

whitefly; genetic diversity; mtCOI; Manihot esculenta; CMD; Southern Africa
Contact name (for further information)
Patrick C. Chikoti
Contact email (for further information)
Contact institution (for further information)

Chikoti,P., Tembo, M., Legg . P.J., Shirima, R., Mugerwa, H., & Sseruwagi, P. (2020). Genetic Diversity of Mitochondrial DNA of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) Associated with Cassava and the Occurrence of Cassava Mosaic Disease in Zambia. Insect


IIAM e seus Parceiros Implementam Agricultura Adaptativa ao Clima (AAC) para Melhorar a Produção Agrária nos Distritos de Angoche e Meconta

Author or Institution as Author
Osvaldo Chiporia

Americo Humulane

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Agricultural Research Institute of Mozambique
Gender marker
Youth marker

No âmbito do Projecto Agricultura Adaptativa ao Clima (Projecto AAC), financiado pela Ajuda Popular da Noruega (APN), o Instituto de Investigação Agrária de Moçambique (IIAM), a Associação Moçambicana para o Desenvolvimento Rural (AMDER) e a União Geral dos Camponeses de Nampula (UGCAN) desenvolveram um consórcio para implementação de suas actividades nos distritos de Angoche e Meconta, provincia de Nampula.

Agricultura, Adaptação, mudanças Climaticas
Contact name (for further information)
Américo António Humulane
Contact email (for further information)
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Contact institution (for further information)
Agricultural Research Institute of Mozambique

Osvaldo Chiporia e Americo Humulane. (2023). IIAM e seus Parceiros Implementam Agricultura Adaptativa ao Clima (AAC) para Melhorar a Produção Agrária nos Distritos de Angoche e Meconta.  IIAM. Maputo


Genetic Divergence and Selection of Common Bean Genotypes with High Agronomic Performance in Mozambique

Author or Institution as Author
J. Dique

C. Pedro, C. Fernando, G. Silota, L. Savanguane, L. Bungala, P. Manhoca, A. Charimba, M. Miguel, M. Quinhentos, D. Dias, V. Carneiro

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Agricultural Research Institute of Mozambique and others
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Youth marker

The deep knowledge of genetic diversity in access, in the breeding program, and the contribution of genetic factors as well as the phenotypic expression is of extreme importance for the development of new cultivars and maintenance of the program. This research aimed to study the genetic diversity and selection of the best common bean genotypes with high agronomic performance in the Agrarian Station of Sussundenga-Mozambique. Twenty-two common bean genotypes were evaluated in a randomized block design with three repetitions in the 2021/2022 agricultural season. The agronomic characteristics evaluated were: the number of days to flowering, plant height, plant architecture, number of pods per plant, the weight of 100 seeds, and grain yield. The data obtained were submitted to individual variance analysis, followed by the Scott-Knott grouping test. For the effect of genetic divergence between the genotypes, multivariate analysis was used based on the generalized Mahalanobis distance and Tocher optimization method, UPGMA, and canonical variables for the projection of distance in the 2D plane. It was also verified by the Cophenetic Correlation Coefficient. The Singh criterion (1981) was used, indicating the characteristics Number of pods per plant (42.81%), the weight of 100 seeds (19.59%), and Plant height (16.08%) as the most important for the genetic divergence of bean genotypes.

Other Partners

Univesridade Federal de Lavras, Departamento da Biologia, Instituto de Ciênciaas Naturais

Phaseolus vulgaris L. UPGMA, generalized Mahalanobis distance.
Contact name (for further information)
J. Dique
Contact email (for further information)
Contact institution (for further information)
Agricultural Research Institute of Mozambique

Dique, J., Pedro C., Fernando, C., Silota, G., Savanguane, L., Bungala, L., Manhoca, P., Charimba, A., Miguel, M., Quinhentos, M., Dias, D., Carneiro, V. (2022. Genetic Divergence and Selection of Common Bean Genotypes with High Agronomic Performance in Mozambique. Journal of Agriculture, Food and Environment (JAFE). Vol 3 No 4 December 2022 Pages 27-33 e-ISSN 2708-5694


Mecanismos de Ligação entre a Investigação e Extensão Agrária em Moçambique

Author or Institution as Author
Filimone, C.

Alage, A., Divage, B.

Date of publication
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Gender marker
Youth marker


A necessidade de fortalecimento da ligação entre a investigação e a extensão (inv&ext) em Moçambique é evidente em vários documentos do setor agrário, desde a década de 1990, e há desconforto na adoção dos modelos de reforço da ligação que têm sido propostos, porque se acredita que existem mecanismos funcionais, ao nível local, que nunca foram considerados e nem estão documentados. A corrente pesquisa analisou as práticas de colaboração e comunicação entre a inv&ext agrária nas províncias de Maputo e Nampula, envolvendo uma amostra de 144 técnicos. A pesquisa revelou que existe uma comunicação frequente e regular entre a inv&ext que tem sido direta e informal. Alguns fatores ligados ao fraco financiamento das atividades de ligação, desmotivação dos técnicos para cooperar, falta de partilha de informação e conhecimentos influenciam negativamente a relação entre estes dois setores.

Palavras-Chave: geração e disseminação das tecnologias; ligação investigação e extensão; partilha de informação, Moçambique.


The need to strengthen the linkage between research and extension in Mozambique is evident in several documents of the agricultural sector, since the 1990s. However, there is a discomfort in the adoption of the proposed models for strengthening the linkage, because it is believed that there are functional mechanisms, at the local level, that have never been considered and are not documented. The current research analyzed the collaboration and communication practices between agricultural research and extension in the provinces of Maputo and Nampula, involving a sample of 144 technicians. The survey revealed that there is frequent and regular communication between research and extension, which has been direct and informal. Some factors like the weak funding of linkage activities, lack of motivation of technicians to cooperate, lack of information and knowledge sharing, negatively influence the relationship between these two sectors.

Keywords: generation and dissemination of technologies; research and extension linkage; sharing information, Mozambique.

Geração e disseminação das Tecnologias; ligação investigação e extensão; partilha de informação, Moçambique
Contact name (for further information)
Carlos Filimone
Contact email (for further information)

Filimone, C., Alage, A., & Divage, B. (2022). Mecanismos de Ligação entre a Investigação e Extensão Agrária em Moçambique. Revista De Extensão E Estudos Rurais, 11(1), 1–24. Recuperado de

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