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CCARDESA Climate Proofing Workshop Habu Update

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Jacques Van Royeen

  Ben Cooper Heermans

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The presentation highlights the CCARDESA Climate Proofing Workshop Habu Update by Herding for Health 

Other Partners

Peace Parks Foundation and Herding for Health

CCARDESA Climate Proofing Workshop Habu Update; Herding for Health(H4H); ACCRA Round Table Meeting
Contact name (for further information)
Jacques Van Rooyen
Contact email (for further information)
Contact institution (for further information)

Van Rooyen,J & Heermans. B, (2020) CCARDESA Climate Proofing Workshop Habu Update, pg 8

Transforming Maize-legume Value Chains – A Business Case for Climate-Smart Agriculture in Southern Africa

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Christian Thierfelder

 Geoffrey Siulemba and Moses Mwale

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This presentation highlights CIMMYT 's work in Transforming Maize-legume Value Chains – A Business Case for Climate-Smart Agriculture in Southern Africa

Other Partners

ZARI and Malawi 

CIMMTY; ZARI; Malawi; Transforming Maize-legume Value Chains – A Business Case: Climate-Smart Agriculture: Southern Africa; ACCRA Round Table Meeting
Contact name (for further information)
Christian Thierfelder
Contact email (for further information)

 Thierfelder,C et al,(2020)  Transforming Maize-legume Value Chains – A Business Case for Climate-Smart Agriculture in Southern Africa, pg 38

Problems Faced and Strategies Adopted by Farmers for Adapting to Climate Change in Xai-Xai District, Gaza Province, Mozambique

Author or Institution as Author
Filimone, C., Humulane, A., Fabião, A. and Dimande, B.
Date of publication
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CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) and the Agricultural Research Institute of Mozambique (IIAM)
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Youth marker

This article summarizes the findings of a research paper entitled “Problems Faced and Strategies Adopted by Farmers for Adapting to Climate Change in Xai-Xai District, Gaza Province” undertaken by researcher  from the Agricultural Research Institute of Mozambique (IIAM) under a project called "Managing Climate Related Risk to Improve Livelihood Resilience and Adaptive Capacity in Agricultural Ecosystems in Southern Africa", for the districts of Xai-Xai and Chicualacuala, Gaza province, Mozambique. 

Climate change;
Access to agricultural information and technologies

Contact name (for further information)
Carlos Filimone, Américo Humulane, Alcino Fabião
Contact email (for further information)
Contact institution (for further information)
Agricultural Research Institute of Mozambique

Filimone C, Humulane A, Fabião A, Dimande B. (2014). Problems Faced and Strategies Adopted by Farmers for Adapting to Climate Change in Xai-Xai District, Gaza Province, Mozambique. CCAFS Info Note. Copenhagen, Denmark: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). Available at: Mozambique:

Effect of Conservation Agriculture Planting Methods on Increasing Yield of Maize: The Case of Southern Highlands Tanzania

Author or Institution as Author
Mwakimbwala, R. et al.

Ngailo J, Mlengera N, Nyenza E, Kabungo C, Mwalukasa E, Urio P, Kulwa B and Mwabenga

Date of publication
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African Conservation Agriculture Network (ACT)
File format

Conservation Agriculture (CA) is currently widely recognized as a viable approach for sustainable agriculture due to its potentially comprehensive benefits of economic, environmental, and social sustainability. In response to the aforesaid, Tanzania Agriculture Research Institute (TARI) at Uyole Centre initiated intensive research on CA  technology practices since 1999. The research started on-station and widened the geographical coverage of CA trials and promotions on-farm from two to 18 villages (Mkomwa et al., 2007) in Southern highlands of Tanzania. An onstation study was undertaken to evaluate influence of CA planting methods on labour, weed and maize yields. The study results show that use of tractor ripper, ox-direct seeder and ox-ripper had high yields of 8.5, 8.5 and 7.6 t/ha respectively compared to hand hoe (4.7 t/ha).

direct seeding, field capacity, jab planting, ox ripping, tractor ripping
Contact name (for further information)
African Conservation Agriculture Network (ACT)
Contact email (for further information)
Contact institution (for further information)

Mwakimbwala R1, Ngailo J1, Mlengera N1, Nyenza E2, Kabungo C 1, Mwalukasa E 2, Urio P 1, Kulwa B1 and Mwabenga (2018). Effect of Conservation Agriculture Planting Methods on Increasing Yield of
Maize: The Case of Southern Highlands Tanzania. 2ACCA Book of Condensed Papers - Final Draft 04.10.2018.…;


Cassava Brown Streak Disease and Ugandan cassava brown streak virus Reported for the First Time in Zambia

Content Type
Author or Institution as Author
Rabson M. Mulenga, Zambia Agriculture Research Institute, Mount Makulu Central Research Station, Chilanga, Lusaka, Zambia

Laura M. Boykin, The University of Western Australia, ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology and Molecular Sciences, Crawley, Perth 6009, Western Australia, Australia;

Patrick C. Chikoti, Suwilanji Sichilima, and Dickson Ng’uni, Zambia Agriculture Research Institute, Mount Makulu Central Research Station;

Olufemi J. Alabi, Department of Plant Pathology & Microbiology, Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center, Weslaco 78596

Funding Partner
Date of publication
The American Phytopathological Society
File format

A diagnostic survey was conducted in July 2017 in two northern districts of Zambia to investigate presence or absence of cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) and its causal viruses. In total, 29 cassava fields were surveyed and cassava leaf samples were collected from 116 plants (92 symptomatic and 24 non-symptomatic). CBSD prevalence was approximately 79% (23 of 29) across fields. Mean CBSD incidence varied across fields but averaged 32.3% while mean disease severity was 2.3 on a 1-to-5 rating scale. Reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction screening of all 116 samples with one generic and two species specific primer pairs yielded DNA bands of the expected sizes from all symptomatic plants with the generic (785 bp) and Ugandan cassava brown streak virus (UCBSV)-specific (440 bp) primers. All 24 non-symptomatic samples were negative for UCBSV and all samples tested negative with primers targeting Cassava brown streak virus. The complete genome of a representative isolate of UCBSV (WP282) was determined to be 9,050 nucleotides in length, minus the poly A tail. A comparative analysis of this isolate with global virus isolates revealed its nature as a sequence variant of UCBSV sharing 94 and 96% maximum complete polyprotein nucleotide and amino acid identities, respectively, with isolates from Malawi (MF379362) and Tanzania (FJ039520). This is the first report of CBSD and UCBSV in Zambia, thus expanding the geographical distribution of the disease and its causal virus and further reinforcing the need to strengthen national and regional phytosanitary programs in Africa.

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Contact name (for further information)
Contact institution (for further information)

Mulenga, M. R., Boykin, M. L., Chikoti, P. C., Sichilima, S., Ng’uni, D., Alabi, J. O. (2018). Cassava Brown Streak Disease and Ugandan cassava brown streak virus Reported for the First Time in Zambia. Plant Diseases, [online] Vol (102) (7), 1410-1418. Availble at: h://


Knowledge and Practice of Pesticides use among Small Holder farmers in Zambia

Author or Institution as Author
Mutinta J. Malambo, ZARI

Mweshi Mukanga2 , James Nyirenda3 , Bupe Kabamba4 , Robert K. Salati5 

Funding Partner
Date of publication
Edition or Version
International journal of Horticulture, Agriculture and Food science(IJHAF)
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Gender marker
Youth marker

Pesticides are essential for the control of infestation of disease, insect pests and weeds on different crops. Due to wide usage of synthetic pesticides which may lead to increased exposure and associated environmental and health risks among small-holder farmers in Zambia, a study was undertaken to understand how knowledgeable farmers are on pesticide use and practices. A total of 418 small scale farmers were randomly sampled from Mkushi, Mpongwe, Luangwa, Mbala, Solwezi, Chipata and Kalomo Districts of Zambia. Data pertaining to types of pesticides use, handling, storage and disposal was solicited using structured questionnaires. The data collected was analyzed using SPSS. Findings revealed that of the sampled farmers 43%, 30%, 25% and 17% used Glyphosate, Dicamba, Paraquat and Atrazine respectively as herbicides in Maize. 21% and 14% used Cypermethrine and Monocrotophos respectively as insecticides in both Maize and Soybean. 81% of the sampled farmers used empty containers for either storing drinking water or salt while only 15% wore protective clothing when applying pesticides. Pesticide mishandling occurred regardless of the amount of experience a farmer had using pesticides. 68% of the sampled farmers had never received any formal basic training in pestic ide use, hence a clear knowledge gap. The fact that receipt of basic training was the main predictor of a farmers’ level of knowledge on pesticide use, a farmer who had received basic training in appropriate chemical pesticides use, as opposed to one who had not, had a better chance of using chemical pesticides safely and in the right quantities.

Other Partners


Pesticides, Agriculture, Knowledge, Practices, Farmers.
Contact name (for further information)
Mutinta.J. Malambo
Contact email (for further information)
Contact institution (for further information)
International journal of Horticulture, Agriculture and Food science(IJHAF)

Malambo, M.J,  Mukanga, M.,  Nyirenda, J., Kabamba, B., & Salati, K.R,. (2010). Knowledge and Practice of Pesticides use among Small Holder farmers in Zambia. International journal of Horticulture, Agriculture and Food science(IJHAF). pp184-190. Available at: [05/09/2019] 


Farmer perception of fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiderda J.E. Smith) and farm-level management practices in Zambia

Content Type
Author or Institution as Author
Monica K Kansiime

Idah Mugambi, Ivan Rwomushana, Winnie Nunda, Julien Lamontagne-Godwin, Harrison Rware, Noah A Phiri, Gilson Chipabika, Mathias Ndlovu and Roger Daya

Date of publication
Pest Management Science
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Gender marker

BACKGROUND:Thispaperdocumentsfarmerperceptionsandmanagementpracticesforfallarmyworm(Spodopterafrugiderda J.E.Smith),providingabaselineforthedevelopmentofsustainablepestmanagementstrategies.
RESULTS:91%offarmerscorrectlyidentifiedfallarmyworm,andreporteditasthemostimportantmaizepestduring2016/2017 cropping season, affecting nearly half of cultivated area. Estimated maize yield loss during the season, attributed to fall armywormwas28%.Amajorityoffarmers(60%)usedpesticidesforfallarmywormcontrol,alongwithothercultural/physical practices – handpickingandcrushingeggmasses/caterpillars(36%),andapplicationofash/sandinthefunnel(19%).Farmers usedvariouspesticideactiveingredients,andprotectivemeasureswereinadequate;>50%offarmersdidnotuseanyprotective measures while spraying. Significantly more male than female farmers used pesticides (P=0.05), and the reverse was true for culturalpractices.Significantmaizeyielddifferences(P=0.001)wereobservedbygender,attributedtodifferencesinutilization of production inputs/practices. At least 77% of farmers received and shared agricultural advice, which can be optimized to spreadinformationonfallarmywormmanagementoptions.
CONCLUSION: Increased use of pesticides to manage fall armyworm poses health and environmental risks, besides the high cost for farmers and governments. Research into cultural and indigenous practices used by farmers will offer opportunities for alternative and sustainable management practices. Research efforts should pay attention to gender differences in access to resources and inputs. Tackling fall armyworm at the farm level, and averting yield losses will require integrated messaging addressingotherproductionrisks. 

Other Partners

The United Kingdom (Department for International Development), China (Chinese Ministry of Agriculture), Australia (Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research), Canada (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada), Netherlands (Directorate-General for International Cooperation-DGIS), Switzerland (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation) and Ireland (Irish Aid, International Fund for Agricultural Development-IFAD). 

communication; fallarmyworm; gender; indigenouspractices; invasive; pesticides
Contact name (for further information)
Contact institution (for further information)

Kansiime, M., Mugambi, I., Rwomushana, I., Nunda, W., Godwin, J., Rware, H., Phiri, N., Chipabika, G., Ndlovu, M., & Daya, R. (2019). Farmer perception of fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiderda J.E. Smith) and farm-level management practices in Zambia. Pest Management Science. [Online]. Available at:




Farmer Perceptions of Conservation Agriculture in Maize - Legume Systems for Small-Holder Farmers in Sub Saharan Africa - A Beneficiary Perspective in Zambia

Content Type
Author or Institution as Author
Kafula Chisanga

 Nswana Kafwamfwa, Petan Hamazakaza, Mulundu Mwila, Joy Sinyangwe, Olipa Lungu 

Funding Partner
Date of publication
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Gender marker

Abstract — A survey was undertaken in three districts of Zambia namely; Monze, Mpongwe and Chipata which are hosting the Agriculture Productivity Programme for Southern Africa (APPSA) Sub-project titled “Developing Conservation Agriculture (CA) in Maize-Legume Systems for Smallholder Farmers in Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique”. The overall objective of this study was to get farmer perceptions of CA practices in the study districts for key information and research gaps that will contribute towards the development of CA based research agenda. The study employed both qualitative and quantitative methods to collect data from the respondents. Data generated was subjected to analysis using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Results revealed that the major hindrances to the application of CA practices lay in biophysical, technological, land, institutional and agro-climatic constraints.  Generally, farmers reported weeds as a major biophysical constraint to the implementation of CA technologies with Monze standing at 81.6% of the respondents followed by Mpongwe 58.1% and Chipata 52.1% respectively. This study recommends strengthening social networks of the community in order for them to have access to CA technologies information. Enhancing institutional linkages between Research, Extension and Meteorology departments is critical for dissemination of weather information which would aid in decision-making as to when farm operations would be carried out for improved agriculture productivity and production in the APPSA Project areas of Monze, Mpongwe and Chipata districts. 

Conservation agriculture, practice, smallholder farmers, technology, Zambia
Contact name (for further information)

Chisanga, K., Kafwamfwa, N., Hamazakaza, P., Mwila, M., Joy Sinyangwe, J., & Lungu, O. (2017). Farmer Perceptions of Conservation Agriculture in Maize - Legume Systems for Small-Holder Farmers in Sub Saharan Africa - A Beneficiary Perspective in Zambia. International journal of Horticulture, Agriculture and Food science(IJHAF) [online].Vol (1) (3), pp10-15. Available at:   



Main traits of 3 new Groundnut varieties released in Mozambique

Author or Institution as Author
Mozambique Agricultural Research Institute


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Youth marker

In this flyer you will find 3 new groundnut varieties recently released in Mozambique by IIAM (Mozambique Agricultural Research Institute) under an APPSA funded project led by Dr. Amade Muitia. Overall, these varieties are tolerant to droughts, early/late leaf spots and rosette and yield around 2.5 tons per hectare. The names of the varieties are Mapupulo-018, Amena-018 and AMM-018.

Groundnut, varieties, new, released, Mozambique, Amena-018, Mapupulo-018, AMM-018
Contact name (for further information)
Dr Amade Muitia
Contact email (for further information)

Muitia.A(2019) Main traits of 3 new Groundnut varieties released in Mozambique, Maputo, Mozambique.


Sustainability assessment of farming systems in the Philippines with the RISE tool

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Author or Institution as Author

Bern University of Applied Sciences School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL Response-Inducing Sustainability Evaluation RISE

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Youth marker

The Sector Project Sustainable Agriculture in cooperation with GIZ Philippines and the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) conducted RISE analyses with the objective to compare different production systems in the Philippian provinces Leyte and Southern Leyte.

Farming Systems assessments, Philippines, RISE Tool, Animal Husbandry, Crop protection, Capacity building
Contact name (for further information)
Christian Thalmann
Contact email (for further information)

Christian Thalmann,(2018) Sustainability assessment of farming systems in the Philippines with the RISE tool, pg30. Bern University of Applied Sciences, School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences, Zollikofen: Switzerland

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