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Mwakimbwala, R. et al.

Ngailo J, Mlengera N, Nyenza E, Kabungo C, Mwalukasa E, Urio P, Kulwa B and Mwabenga

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African Conservation Agriculture Network (ACT)
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Conservation Agriculture (CA) is currently widely recognized as a viable approach for sustainable agriculture due to its potentially comprehensive benefits of economic, environmental, and social sustainability. In response to the aforesaid, Tanzania Agriculture Research Institute (TARI) at Uyole Centre initiated intensive research on CA  technology practices since 1999. The research started on-station and widened the geographical coverage of CA trials and promotions on-farm from two to 18 villages (Mkomwa et al., 2007) in Southern highlands of Tanzania. An onstation study was undertaken to evaluate influence of CA planting methods on labour, weed and maize yields. The study results show that use of tractor ripper, ox-direct seeder and ox-ripper had high yields of 8.5, 8.5 and 7.6 t/ha respectively compared to hand hoe (4.7 t/ha).

direct seeding, field capacity, jab planting, ox ripping, tractor ripping
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African Conservation Agriculture Network (ACT)
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Mwakimbwala R1, Ngailo J1, Mlengera N1, Nyenza E2, Kabungo C 1, Mwalukasa E 2, Urio P 1, Kulwa B1 and Mwabenga (2018). Effect of Conservation Agriculture Planting Methods on Increasing Yield of
Maize: The Case of Southern Highlands Tanzania. 2ACCA Book of Condensed Papers - Final Draft 04.10.2018.…;


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