Climate Proofing Sorghum-based production systems
The presentation highlights the Climate Proofing of Sorghum-based production systems in Botswana
Botswana Ministry of Agriculture (2020), Climate Proofing Sorghum-based production systems,Pg49
The presentation highlights the Climate Proofing of Sorghum-based production systems in Botswana
Botswana Ministry of Agriculture (2020), Climate Proofing Sorghum-based production systems,Pg49
The presentation highlights the CCARDESA Climate Proofing Workshop Habu Update by Herding for Health
Peace Parks Foundation and Herding for Health
Van Rooyen,J & Heermans. B, (2020) CCARDESA Climate Proofing Workshop Habu Update, pg 8
This presentation highlights the Herding for Health: Curriculum Development at SAWC
Van Rooyen.J(2020) Herding for Health: Curriculum Development at SAWC, pg 12
The presentation highlights the Upscaling Climate Smart Agriculture and Post Harvest Loss Assessment in Malawi
Ministry of Agriculture,(2020), Upscaling Climate Smart Agriculture and Post Harvest Loss Assessment in Malawi, Pg 9; ACCRA Round Table Meeting
Climate Resilience Natural Resource Management(C-NRM ) New GIZ project
Dieter.N, (2020) Climate Resilience; Natural Resource Management; C-NRM,pg9 -ACCRA Round Table Meeting
SADC Climate Change Overview
Mavimbela,S(2020) SADC Climate Change Policy Overview, Pg.19
Presentation on the status of the National Climate Smart Agriculture Framework in Malawi.
Ministry of Agriculture,(2020) Status of National Climate Smart Agriculture Framework, Malawi
This book documents a decade of research, methodological innovation, and lessons learned in an eco-regional research-for-development program operating in the eastern African highlands, the African Highlands Initiative (AHI). It does this through reflections of the protagonists themselves—AHI site teams and partners applying action research to develop innovation as a means to enhance the impact of their research. This book summarizes the experiences of farmers, research and development workers, policy and decision-makers who have interacted within an innovation system with the common goal of implementing an integrated approach to natural resource management (NRM) in the humid highlands. This book demonstrates the crucial importance of “approach” in shaping the outcomes of research and development and distils lessons learned on what works, where and why. It is enriched with examples and case studies from five benchmark sites in Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania, whose variability provides the reader with an in-depth knowledge of the complexities of integrated NRM in agro-ecosystems that play an important role in the rural economy of the region. It is shown that the struggle to achieve sustainable agricultural development in challenging environments is a complex one, and can only be effectively achieved through combined efforts and commitment of individuals and institutions with complementary roles.
International Development Research Centre, (CAPRi, CIAT, ICRAF, IFPRI, ILRI, CIMMYT, CIP, and ICRISAT); non-governmental organizations (CARE International—Uganda, Africare, Africa 2000 Network, Action Aid, Farm Africa, and SOS-Sahel); the National Agricultural Advisory Services of Uganda (NAADS); extension organizations in AHI benchmark sites; the Kapchorwa District Landcare Chapter (KADLACC); and a host of farmers’ organizations in AHI benchmark sites.
Laura German et al (2012) The integrated Natural Resources Management in the Highlands of Eastern Africa -From Concept to Practice, 341pg,
Critical farming and household decisions depend upon the weather, for example, the amount of rain that falls, the length and start date of the rainfall season, the timing of dry spells, and the timing of temperature extremes. Such aspects of the weather vary considerably from year-to-year. PICSA is an approach that aims to help farmers address this challenge and has been used in more than 20 countries across three continents.
PICSA places farmers at the centre of its approach, and helps them to address the above challenges through integrating:
The development and implementation of PICSA has been strongly supported by Nuffield Foundation, Climate Change Agriculture & Food Security (CCAFS) and United Nations World Food Programme (WFP).
PICSA has also been graciously supported by:
University of Reading (2011) The Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture( PICSA)
Conservation Agriculture (CA) is currently widely recognized as a viable approach for sustainable agriculture due to its potentially comprehensive benefits of economic, environmental, and social sustainability. In response to the aforesaid, Tanzania Agriculture Research Institute (TARI) at Uyole Centre initiated intensive research on CA technology practices since 1999. The research started on-station and widened the geographical coverage of CA trials and promotions on-farm from two to 18 villages (Mkomwa et al., 2007) in Southern highlands of Tanzania. An onstation study was undertaken to evaluate influence of CA planting methods on labour, weed and maize yields. The study results show that use of tractor ripper, ox-direct seeder and ox-ripper had high yields of 8.5, 8.5 and 7.6 t/ha respectively compared to hand hoe (4.7 t/ha).
Mwakimbwala R1, Ngailo J1, Mlengera N1, Nyenza E2, Kabungo C 1, Mwalukasa E 2, Urio P 1, Kulwa B1 and Mwabenga (2018). Effect of Conservation Agriculture Planting Methods on Increasing Yield of
Maize: The Case of Southern Highlands Tanzania. 2ACCA Book of Condensed Papers - Final Draft 04.10.2018.…;