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Vegetation of the eastern communal conservancies in Namibia: II. Environmental drivers

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Author or Institution as Author
Ben J. Strohbach

Josephat T. Kutuahuripa

Date of publication
School of Natural Resources and Spacial Sciences, Polytechnic of Namibia
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The eastern communal conservancies are situated along the western fringe of the Kalahari basin. Under a very short rainfall gradient, the vegetation abruptly changes from microphyllous Acacia-dominated savannas to mesophyll savannas, dominated by Terminalia sericea and Combretum spp. We hypothesise that this is caused by changes in soil moisture availability brought about by changes in soil texture from loamy soils to deep sands (the ‘inverse texture effect’). For this analysis, we used vegetation and soils data derived from a recognisance survey of the natural resources of the study area. As the sites in the soil and vegetation surveys did not overlap, it was decided to use only synoptic data for the plant associations in the analysis. Non-metric multidimesional scaling ordination was utilised as ordination technique of the vegetation data and various environmental parameters, including soil texture, soil hydraulic parameters, climatic and fire regime parameters, were overlaid as biplots onto the resulting graph, as were various plant functional attributes particularly related to climatic conditions. The main environmental gradient identified within the study area is the rainfall gradient. This relatively short gradient, however, does not explain the marked change in vegetation observed within the study area. This change is attributed to the change in soil type, in particular, the soil texture and the associated soil hydraulic parameters of the soil. This gradient is closely correlated to leaf size, explaining the change from microphyll savannas to mesophyll savannas along the change from loamy to sandy soils. One of the lesser understood mechanisms for the survival of these mesophyll plants on sandy soils seems to be a deep root system, which is actively involved in water redistribution within the soil profile – by hydraulic lift, inverse hydraulic lift and stem flow.

Contact name (for further information)
Strohbach, B.J.
Contact email (for further information)
Contact institution (for further information)
School of Natural Resources and Spacial Sciences, Polytechnic of Namibia

 Strohbach, B.J. & Kutuahuripa, J.T., 2014, ‘Vegetation of the eastern communal conservancies in Namibia: II. Environmental drivers’, Koedoe 56(1), Art. #1117, 12 pages. http:// v56i1.1117


The changing climate and human vulnerability in north-central Namibia

Content Type
Author or Institution as Author
Angula, M.D.

Kaundjua, M.B.

Date of publication
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Youth marker

North-central Namibia is more vulnerable to effects of climate change and variability. Combined effects of environmental degradation, social vulnerability to poverty and a changing climate will compromise subsistence farming in north-central Namibia (NCN). This will make subsistence and small-scale farmers in the region more vulnerable to projected changes in the climate system. Thus, the aim of this article was to examine factors contributing to subsistence farmers’ vulnerability to impacts of climate change. The article further discusses different aspects of human vulnerability and existing adaptation strategies in response to impacts of climate related disasters experienced over the past three to four decades in NCN. Qualitative and quantitative research approaches and methodology were employed to obtain information from subsistence farmers in north-central Namibia. The socio-demographic characteristics of Ohangwena, Oshana and Omusati Region reveals high levels of unemployment, high adult and elderly population and high dependency on agricultural livelihood system. These indicators help understand levels of household vulnerability. The study concludes that households interviewed revealed low levels of adaptive capacity due to exposure to climate risks and combined effects of social, political and cultural factors. This article provided an understanding that is required to inform the adaptation pathways relevant for NCN.

Climate Change
Small-scale farmers
Adaptation Strategy
Contact name (for further information)
Angula, M.N.
Contact institution (for further information)
University of Namibia

Angula, Margaret & Kaundjua, Maria Bernadethe. (2016). The changing climate and human vulnerability in north-central Namibia. Jàmbá: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies. 8. 10.4102/jamba.v8i2.200.

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