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Martin Muchero

Charles L. Machethe

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Success in fighting poverty in Africa will largely depend on the extent to which rural poverty is reduced as it is largely a rural phenomenon. By examining the rural development strategies of the East African Community, Economic Community of West African States and the Association of South East Asian Nations, the purpose of this study was to determine their relationship to rural poverty reduction. The Rural Development Strategy Soundness Model and Rural Web Model tools were used to examine the soundness and cohesiveness of implementation, respectively. The results showed that rural poverty declined where a rural development strategy had both been sound and cohesively implemented. We concluded that a positive correlation exists between a sound and cohesively implemented rural development strategy and rural poverty reduction. We deduced from this that the former is a missing link in Africa’s fight against rural poverty

Rural development strategy; rural poverty; strategy soundness and cohesiveness; strategy implementation
Contact name (for further information)
Mr Martin Muchero
Contact email (for further information)

Tichaona Muchero & Charles L. Machethe (2021): Sound and cohesively implemented rural development strategies: A missing link in Africa’s fight against Poverty? Development Southern Africa


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