A large share of Malawian households faces multiple shocks which affect their welfare. There is a need to develop programs that increase household resilience against the recurring weather-related disasters and adversities such as promotion of climate smart technologies and practices. As a coping mechanism, most households resort to using own savings, while a significant number of households do nothing. Social safety nets and farm input subsidies play a significant role in cushioning households against shocks, but the current programmes are hampered by poor targeting hence not fully benefiting the intended poor households. The government and development partners should develop better ways of targeting of the existing social safety nets and input subsidy programmes so as to benefit the deserving and intended poor households.
Agricultural Transformation Initiative (ATI) through
the Michigan State University (MSU) Food Security Group
Gondwe, A. , Nankwenya, B., and Goeb J., (2023). Patterns of social safety nets, weather shocks, and household food security status in Malawi. MwAPATA Institute, Lundu Street, Off Chayamba Road, Area 10/386, P.O. Box 30883, Capital City, Lilongwe 3, Malawi.