The Climate-Smart Agriculture Rapid Appraisal (CSA- RA) provides an assessment of key barriers to and opportunities for CSA adoption across landscapes by collecting gender-disaggregated data, perceptions of climate variability, and resource and labor allocation,
as well as economic assessments at the household level. This approach combines participatory workshops, expert interviews, household/farmer interviews, and farm transect walks to gather and capture the realities and challenges facing diverse farming communities.
International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). CSA Rapid Appraisal (CSA-RA): A Prioritization Tool for Outscaling CSA, 2014. Caroline Mwongera, Kelvin Mashisia Shikuku, Leigh Winowiecki, Jennifer Twyman, Peter Läderach,Edidah Ampaire, Piet van Asten, and Stephen Twomlow. Cali, Colombia.