This guide was prepared as a result of training sessions conducted between May
and August 2012 in Kenya and Tanzania for extension agents from the Ministry of Agriculture, Landcare and World Vision in Kenya; and from the Ministry of Agriculture
& Food Security, Division of Forestry & Beekeeping, Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism in Tanzania as well as those from World Wildlife Fund (WWF). These agents work in partnership with the IFAD funded EverGreen Agriculture (EGA)project areas of Machakos County in Kenya, and Mbarali District in Tanzania. It is expected that they will be able to stay in touch and support farmers with knowledge gained at these trainings, to increase the adoption of Conservation Agriculture (CA) and Agroforestry (AF) as well as participation in Landcare approaches.
Joseph Mutua, Jonathan Muriuki, Peter Gachie, Mieke Bourne and Jude Capis. ICRAF, 2014. Conservation Agriculture With Trees: Principles and Practice. Nairobi, Kenya.