APPSA Concept Note Template
Concept note template for APPSA
Concept note template for APPSA
Terms of reference
Terms of reference
CCARDESA Annual Report 2020
The main objective of the consultancy is to support the implementation of APPSA regional M&E activities. The specific objectives are to:
1. To Review and share Good Practice checklist for M&E and to foster the regional exchange of experience, good practices and tools through convening regular virtual meetings of the APPSA M&E Focal persons
2. To facilitate the establishment of M&E and Communication Working groups in Angola
3. To review the Results Frameworks for the 8 sub-projects that are currently being implemented
4. To Facilitate Results-based M&E training of RcoL staff
5. To develop guidelines on the establishment of database on agricultural technologies
The Agricultural Productivity Programme for Southern Africa (APPSA)- is a project supported by the World Bank which seeks to promote a regional approach to agricultural technology generation and dissemination by supporting, strengthening and scaling up of regional centers of Regional Leadership on commodities of regional importance. APPSA is structured around four components of which one of them is technology generation and dissemination hence the reason for sub-projects that address this component.
This report highlights key outputs of CCARDESA’s activities for the year 2019 which were crafted along the five thematic areas of the Revised Medium-Term Operational Plan (2015-2018). The MTOP in turn derives its focus from key strategic regional documents such as the SADC Regional Agricultural Policy (RAP), the Regional Indicative and Strategic Development Plan (RISDP), and the Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP).
The Centre for Coordination of Agricultural Research and Development for Southern Africa (CCARDESA) is a subsidiary implementing institution of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Secretariat. This MTOP for CCARDESA’s is based on the CCARDESA long-term Strategic Plan (2018 - 2028) and the Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS) paradigm for Agricultural Research for Development (AR4D) to align R&D organizations to sub-sector, sector and ultimately, national and regional development objectives.
This Options Paper focuses on some of the Best Bet Climate-Smart practice and technology options for rice production in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region.
CCARDESA 2019. Knowledge Product 04: Climate-Smart Agriculture Options for Rice in SADC. CCARDESA Secretariat, Gaborone, Botswana.pg16
CSA goes beyond innovative technologies and practices like drought-resistant varieties or soil and water conservation measures. To achieve the multiple objectives of productivity, food security, enhanced farmer resilience and reduced greenhouse gas emissions, CSA must adopt a systems perspective. A systems approach aims to view a problem as part of an entire system, rather than considering problems in isolation.
CCARDESA 2019. Knowledge Product 01: Best Bet CSA Practices/ Technologies and How to Support Climate-Smart Decision Making: CCARDESA Secretariat, Gaborone, Botswana.pg12