A Climate Risk Profile of Maize Value Chain Farming System in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe - Vulnerability Assessment Report
This study examines the vulnerability to climate variability and change of the conventional maize value chain in the mid and low altitude agro-ecological zones of Malawi, agro-ecological zone II of Zambia and agro-ecological zone III of Zimbabwe. The aim is to develop feasible priorities and strategies for climate variability and change adaptation based on farmer preference. A literature review for the countries Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe was conducted to assess the current and future impact of climate change and variability on the smallholder farming system. A mix of methods, which included participatory vulnerability assessment tools, focus group discussions and key informant interviews among 108 farmers from five communities, complemented the literature review. Data were collected on the current and likely future impacts and sensitivity of the systems and adaptation capacities.
Mutenje, M. (2018). A Climate Risk Profile of Maize Value Chain Farming System in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe - Vulnerability Assessment Report. GIZ-ACCRA.