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Food losses - For sustainable resource use from field to fork

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German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

Bruno Schuler, Karl Moosmann, Maria Höhne, Tanja Pickardt Williams

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German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
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This folder explores the issue of food loss in more detail and presents current experiences, challenges and areas of action.

Food Losses
Food Production
Rural Development
Value Chain
Contact name (for further information)
Bruno Schuler
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Contact institution (for further information)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Schuler, B. & Moosmann, K. & Höhne, M. & Pickardt Williams, T. 2016. Food losses - For sustainable resource use from field to fork, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Division 122, Rural Development, Land Rights, Forests, BMZ, Berlin


Exploration de la diversité virale des ignames (Dioscorea spp.) cultivées de Madagascar et implications pour le contrôle de l’état sanitaire des plantations

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Filloux D.

Rajaonah-Mamy Tiana , Jeannoda-Vololoniaina

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Pour accompagner le développement actuel de la culture des ignames à Madagascar, l’estimation de la prévalence et la caractérisation partielle des viroses présentes sur les ignames cultivées de parcelles paysannes de certaines régions productrices du pays ont été réalisées. Des tests PCR ont permis de détecter le Dioscorea bacilliform virus (badnavirus) sur les trois espèces d’ignames les plus fréquemment rencontrées, Dioscorea alata, D. bulbifera et D. esculenta. Le séquençage partiel de ces virus a permis de révéler la présence d’au moins dix souches distinctes réparties dans six des treize groupes génétiques de DBV. Plus problématique pour ses effets sur le rendement, une souche originale de Yam mild mosaic virus (potyvirus) a également été mise en évidence par RT-PCR sur une plante D. alata. Compte tenu de la présence constatée de virus, des mesures de sélection sanitaire, incluant destruction des plants infectés, sélection et indexation des plants-mères, mise en place de pépinières de multiplication sécurisées et schéma de quarantaine, sont proposées avant toute diffusion de maté

Ignames, virus, détection virale, caractérisation m oléculaire, sélection sanitaire

Filoux, D. , Rajaonah-Mamy, T., Vololoniaina, J. 2008. Exploration de la diversité virale des ignames (Dioscorea spp.) cultivées de Madagascar et implications pour le contrôle de l’état sanitaire des plantations. La Rechereche Agronomique pour le dévelopment (CIRAD),  Found online at:


Selection of High Yielding and Farmers’ Preferred Genotypes of Bambara Nut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc) in Malawi

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Pungulani L.

Kadyampakeni D., Nsapato L., Kachapila M.

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Bambara nut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc) is a nutritious legume, however, its production is characterised by use of landraces, which have been maintained by farmers. Lack of improved varieties has contributed to low yields. This re– search was done to identify potentially high yielding and farmers’ preferred genotypes for improved production of Bambara in Malawi. A completely Randomised Block Design experiment with eight genotypes (181CR, 181RD, 194, 137CR, 137RD, 317, 2762 and 2768) and four replicates was implemented at Chitedze, Chitala and Mbawa Research Sta– tions to identify high yielding genotypes. In addition to the yield, farmers’ criteria based on plant vigour, ability to fully bury its pods in the ground (mounding), yield at harvest, maturity period, seed colour, grain size, taste of boiled dry grain and taste of fresh pods were used to identify farmers’ preferred genotypes. Significant yield differences were identified between genotypes (P < 0.0001), sites (P < 0.001) and interaction between genotypes and sites (environment) (P < 0.001). Yield means across sites show that genotype 181CR yielded highly (1322 kg/ha) followed by 2768 (1066 kg/ha), 181RD (1064 kg/ha) and 2762 (841 kg/ha). In contrast to the high yielding genotypes, genotype 137RD gave the lowest yield (485 kg/ha) followed by 194 (573 kg/ha), 317 (617 kg/ha) and 137CR (620 kg/ha). Mbawa Research Sta– tion showed significantly high yields with site mean of 1177 kg/ha compared with Chitedze and Chitala with site means of 703kg/ha and 530 kg/ha respectively. Farmers ranked the eight accessions in order of importance as follows: 181RD, 181CR, 2768, 137CR, 194, 137RD, 2762 and 317. Combination of yield and farmers’ preference identified three geno– types (181RD, 181CR and 2768) as potential varieties for production in Malawi. Accessions 181RD and 2768 were specifically selected for relish unlike 181CR, which has been selected for use as snack. However, further research on nutrition, value addition and marketing needs to be conducted on the identified genotypes.

Other Partners

SADC Plant Genetic Resources Centre, SADC Biodiversity Support Project, Malawi Government

Genotype Characterisation, Genebank, Vigna subterranea
Contact email (for further information)
Contact institution (for further information)
Malawi Plant Genetic Resource s Centre, Chitedze Research Station, Lilongwe, Malawi Kasinthula Research Station, Chikwawa, Malawi.

Trans-boundary Plant Pestsand Diseases in the SADC region

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The eggs are elliptical, and their colour varies from oyster-white to bright yellow, darkening in the embryonic phase and becoming almost black near eclosion.

The first-instar larvae are whitish soon after eclosion, becoming greenish or light pink in the second to fourth instars according to food (leaflet or ripe fruit, respectively). There are usually four instars.

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Zambia, 2016. Trans-boundary Plant Pestsand Diseasesin the SADC region.

Indigenous vegetables in Malawi: Germplasm collecting and improvement of production practices

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M.B. Kwapata and M.F. Maliro

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A wide range of indigenous vegetables are consumed in Malawi. These contribute greatly to the nutritional well-being of rural people by providing the essential nutrients required for body growth and development and for prevention of diseases associated with nutritional deficiencies, such as blindness due to vitamin A deficiency. Rural families traditionally have made conscious efforts to preserve these plants around their homesteads, in crop fields and communal lands. In recent years, however, exotic vegetables have taken prominence over indigenous vegetables, in spite of their generally lower nutritive value. The availability of indigenous vegetables has declined drastically because of excessive cultivation of field crops and habitat change, including deforestation. This has been exacerbated by a lack of major research and extension efforts to improve their husbandry and promote these species. Thus, the plants must be gathered at increasing distances from human dwellings, and rural women spend more valuable time in search of them. There is also growing ignorance among young people about the existence of these nutritionally rich food plants. The decline in the use of indigenous vegetables by many rural people has resulted in poor diets and increased incidence of nutritional deficiency disorders and diseases in many parts of the country.

To improve the status of indigenous vegetables in Malawi, a long-term research project was implemented at Bunda College of Agriculture to collect and catalogue indigenous vegetable germplasm and to develop production technologies for smallholder adoption.

Vegetables, Ngabu Agricultural Development Division (NADD), Lilongwe Agricultural Development Division (LADD)
Contact institution (for further information)
University of Malawi, Bunda College of Agriculture, Lilongwe, Malawi

Tuta Absoluta Surveillance

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Zambia Agriculture Research Institute, Plant Quarantine & Phytosanitary Service
Date of publication
Ministry of Agriculture, Zambia Agriculture Research Institute (ZARI)
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The Plant Quarantine and Phytosanitary Service (PQPS) is the National Plant Protection Organisation (NPPO) of Zambia mandated to provide services that prevent the introduction and spread of plant pests into the country and facilitate local and international trade through Cap 231 and 233 of the Laws of Zambia. The Plant Pests and Diseases Act Cap 233 of the Laws of Zambia was established to provide for the eradication and prevention of the spread of plant pests in Zambia and for the prevention of the introduction into Zambia of exotic plant pests and diseases as such PQPS had a privilege to conduct a surveillance on tuta absoluta.

Tuta absoluta or tomato leaf miner is a major pest of processed and fresh tomatoes, both in greenhouse and open field crops. It also occurs on eggplants, sweet peppers as well as potatoes and various other cultivated plants and weeds of solanaceae family.

The pest has spread rapidly since its introduction to Europe in 2006 and within just a few years its global status has changed completely, from a South American tomato pest into a major threat to world tomato production. In tomatoes it can attack any plant crop stage and if it’s not managed at all, it can cause up to 100% crop destruction.

Tuta absoluta
Exotic plants
Pests and Diseases
Contact name (for further information)
Zambia Agriculture Research Institute, Plant Quarantine & Phytosanitary Service
Contact institution (for further information)
Ministry of Agriculture, Zambia Agriculture Research Institute (ZARI)

Zambia Agriculture Research Institute, Plant Quarantine & Phytosanitary Service, 2016. Tuta Absoluta Surveillance.

Approaches to Reinforce Crop Productivity under Water-Limited Conditions in Sub-Humid Environments in Sub-Saharan Africa

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Messina J.

Nyamangara J. , Bekunda M. , R. Chikowo, Zingore S., Snapp S.

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Smallholder farming in much of Sub-Saharan Africa is rain-fed and thus exposed to rainfall variability. Among the climate variables, rainfall is projected to decline and have an overriding effect on crop productivity. With little opportunity for supplementary irrigation for the majority of farmers, a plausible strategy to maintain crop production under water-limited conditions includes balanced nutrient management for enhancing efficiency of use of limited soil water. Co-application of judicious rates of organic and mineral nutrient resources, particularly including the use of phosphorus (P) on P-limited soils, will facilitate development of an extensive crop rooting system for efficient exploration and capture of soil water, especially at a depth &gt; 0.8 m. This chapter explores case studies across Eastern and Southern Africa where various soil water conservation and nutrient management approaches have been used to gain ‘extra miles’ with limited available soil water. Firstly, an approach is described that varies nitrogen (N) fertilizer application across growing seasons, by adjusting N application rates to match current season rainfall trends. The approach offers opportunities for farmers to increase crop productivity to &gt; 6 t ha-1 in high agro-potential areas, compared to a ceiling of 4.5 t ha-1 for the fixed fertilization model, while minimizing economic losses due to investments in N fertilizer during drought years. Secondly, we deal with the subject of fertilization across nutrient gradients, where a poor agronomic N use efficiency of &lt; 18 kg grain kg-1 of applied N is demonstrated for soils with &lt; 0.4% organic carbon, compared with &gt; 35 kg grain kg-1 of N applied when soil organic carbon &gt; 0.5%. Thirdly, the conservation agriculture (CA)-nutrient management nexus is examined, where maize yields in farmers’ fields with CA alone were barely 0.5 t ha-1 compared to an average of 2.5 t ha-1 for CA combined with fertilizers. Fourthly, a novel system that involves intercropping two legumes with contrasting phenology for enhanced cropping system functioning is described. Finally, an approach that can be used for co-learning with farmers on soil fertility management principles for risk management is presented. The data lead to the conclusion that the ‘doubled-up’ legumes system results in reduced fertilizer requirements for cereal crops grown in sequence, which benefits yield stability over time. Variable use of N fertilizer according to season quality and more tailored targeting of nutrients are vital for profitable investments in fertilizers in Africa. The Africa RISING project in Eastern and Southern Africa is currently harnessing some of these principles as vehicles for intensification of smallholder farming systems.

Smallholder farming, rainfall, Southern Africa

Chikowo, R & Zingore, Shamie & Nyamangara, Justice & Bekunda, Mateete & Messina, Joseph & Snapp, Sieglinde. (2015). Approaches to reinforce crop productivity under water-limited conditions in sub-humid environments in Africa. In Sustainable Intensification to advance Food Security and Enhance Climate Resilience in Africa. 239-253. 10.1007/978-3-319-09360-4_12


Disease Surveillance on some farms in Mkushi District of the Central Province of Zambia

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ZARI Plant Quarantine & Phytosanitary Service (PQPS)
Date of publication
Ministry of Agriculture
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Plant Quarantine and Phytosanitary Service (PQPS-ZARI)

Disease Surveillance on some farms in Mkushi District of the Central Province of Zambia

Contact name (for further information)
ZARI Plant Quarantine & Phytosanitary Service (PQPS)
Contact institution (for further information)
Ministry of Agriculture

ZARI Plant Quarantine & Phytosanitary Service (PQPS). (2016). Disease Surveillance on some farms in Mkushi District of the Central Province of Zambia.

Development of A Smart Sprayer for Smallholder Farmers

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Tingmin Yu

Agricultural Research Council

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The presentation focused on developing  a smart sprayer for smallholder farmers in conservation agriculture. Its Future application in crop production will reduce herbicide and pesticide and overall support of smallholder farmers who are passionate about CA in other countries to address climate change.

Smart sprayer
Smallholder farmers
Conservation agriculture
Climate change
Contact name (for further information)
Tingmin Yu and Agricultural Research Council –Institute for Agricultural Engineering (ARC-IAE), South Africa
Contact institution (for further information)

Tingmin Yu and Agricultural Research Council –Institute for Agricultural Engineering (ARC-IAE), South Africa, 8/2016. Development of A Smart Sprayer for Smallholder Farmers.

A Call for Scaling-Up Response to the Worsening Drought

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Office of the United Nations Resident coodinator

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A multi­stakeholders meeting, jointly hosted by the Office of the President and Cabinet and the UN System in Zimbabwe, held today called for scaling up of humanitarian assistance to address the immediate needs of 2.8 million (30% of the total population) drought-­affected people.

Addressing over 170 senior representatives from Government; Diplomatic Corps; Development and Humanitarian Partners; Civil Society Organizations; Non­Governmental Organizations; Private Sector; and the Media; the UN Resident and UNDP Resident Representative, Bishow Parajuli emphasized that “the drought conditions in many parts of the country have been unprecedented and have severely increased the vulnerability of the poor depriving them of their livelihoods including livestock and agricultural production as well as access to water, nutrition, health and education services”.

Like many parts of Southern Africa region, Zimbabwe has been hard­hit by the effects of El Nino, with harvests devastated. The current rainfall season has so far been the driest in the last 35 years rendering over 28 million people food­insecure in the region. The late onset of rains in Zimbabwe apparently reported to be below normal, coupled with higher than average temperatures, has severely affected the prospect of 2015/2016 crop production, livestock and rural livelihoods.

Other Partners

United Nations Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe, Drought
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+263 772 198 036
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