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These knowledge products mention issues relating to women farmers

Prioritization Meetings Report. Proceedings of three national Prioritization Meetings held in Harare, Zimbabwe, Balaka, Malawi and Chipata, Zambia and Regional Synthesis Report held in Lusaka, Zambia

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Under the project "Out-scaling climate-smart technologies to smallholder farmers in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe" stakeholders aim to evaluate the impact of a changing climate on current farming systems and identify appropriate adaptation measures. This reports summarizes the process and outcomes of a two-staged process to identify and prioritize adaptation strategies designed to reduce the impact of climate change on smallholder farmers.

Meetings were held in-country (Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe) and in a regional workshop in Lusaka, Zambia to prioritize these technologies. With the exception of Zimbabwe, the meetings were well attended and went through a defined process to identify the technologies.

In both in-country meetings and the regional workshop the participants prioritized a range of options that were common. These were:

 Diversification (rotation and intercropping strategies)

 the use of drought-tolerant varieties

 Different forms of conservation agriculture seeding (ripping, direct seeding and basin planting)

 the use of organic manure

 Staggered planting

 Soil and water conservation

Irrigation and improved climate information services were often mentioned but the capital investments needed as well as the lack of infrastructure make this currently very challenging. This would require Governmental will to advance in the future.

The information gathered will inform the formulation of a feasibility study to be used as a base for developing a larger investment proposal for funding climate-smart agriculture in the region

Maize Value Chain
Climate-smart Agriculture
Climate Change
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CCARDESA (2018). Prioritization Meetings Report. Proceedings of three national Prioritization Meetings held in Harare, Zimbabwe, Balaka, Malawi and Chipata, Zambia and Regional Synthesis Report held in Lusaka, Zambia.


Rapid Loss Appraisal in smallholder maize production in Eastern Cape/South Africa. Information brief for partners. Regional Training Course and Field appraisals

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N. Mtunji
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The Rapid Loss Appraisal Tool for Agricultural Value Chains (RLAT) was developed in Ghana in 2015 with the sup-port of the GIZ Sector Project "Sustainable Agriculture" (NAREN) and the GIZ program for Market Orientated Ag-riculture (MOFA/Ghana). Its main objective is to identify critical loss points in smallholder agricultural value chains by using a quick and participatory methodology.

The tool was further tested and adapted for socio-economic and agricultural patterns in Southern Africa. The SADC Centre for Coordination of Agricultural Research and Development for Southern Africa (CCARDESA), sup-ported by the two German funded projects NAREN and ACCRA, launched a regional call for proposals for the implementation of RLAT in Southern Africa (Annex A). Seven institutions from five different countries, namely South Africa, eSwatini, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe applied and the South African Agricultural Research Coun-cil/Grain Crops Institute in Potchefstroom (ARC) was awarded for the piloting of RLAT. The Agricultural Research Council organized the training in Potchefstroom, which was attended by participants from Tanzania and Zimba-bwe whose applications to facilitate the processwere scored 2nd and 3rd best respectively, and was subsequently followed with a field appraisal in the Eastern Cape Province.

The main objectives of the SADC/South Africa pilot mission were

1. To train potential users from SADC member states in the application of RLAT in the maize value chain.

2. To adapt and pilot RLAT methodology in South Africa.

Climate Change
Rapid Loss Appraisal
Food Security
Post Harvest Management
Contact name (for further information)
N. Mtunji
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Mtunji, N. (2018). Rapid Loss Appraisal in smallholder maize production in Eastern Cape/South Africa. Information brief for partners. Regional Training Course and Field appraisals. CCARDESA.

Report - Climate Finance and Proposal Writing Training Botswana 2018

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Frank Udo Hoeggel
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Final report of the 'Climate Finance and Proposal Writing Training' which took place in December 2018 in Gaborone, Botswana.

Contact name (for further information)
Udo Hoeggel
Contact email (for further information)
Contact institution (for further information)
University of Bern

Hoeggel, F.U. (2018). Climate Finance Readiness. Visual report on the Climate Finance and Proposal Writing Training, Gaborone, Botswana 2018.

Training Report for Tackling Climate Change in Agriculture - CCAA/CSA Training Mauritius 2018

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Dr. Wiebke Förch
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Final report of the Training  'Tackling Climate Change in Agriculture: Approaches to Adaptation and Climate Smart Agriculture in the SADC Region' which took place in June 2018 in Réduit, Mauritius.

Part of the training 'Tackling Climate Change in Agriculture: Approaches to Adaptation and Climate Smart Agriculture - Réduit, Mauritius'.

Climate Change
Climate-smart Agriculture
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Wiebke Förch
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Foerch, W. (2018). Training on Tackling Climate Change in Agriculture: Approaches to Adaptation and Climate Smart Agriculture in the SADC Region. Training report of the 'Tackling Climate Change in Agriculture: Approaches to Adaptation and Climate Smart Agriculture' training in Réduit, Mauritius in June 2018.

Climate change and marine environment - CCAA/CSA Training Mauritius 2018

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Dr Satyam Bhoyroo

Nadeem Nazurally

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University of Mauritius
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This presentation 'Climate change and marine environment' was held jointly by J. Carpouron, A. Appadoo and V. Bhoyroo, Deptartment for Agricultural and Food Science, University of Mauritius.


  • facts about the climate system and climate change
  • aquatic systems: ocean acidification, zooplankton, coral bleaching, stormy weather, harmful algae blooms
  • climate change: the youth perspective: results of a study conducted with youth about their perception of climate change
Climate Change
Marine Environment
Contact name (for further information)
Dr Satyam Bhoyroo
Contact institution (for further information)
Deptartment for Agricultural and Food Science, University of Mauritius

Bhoyroo, S. and Nazurally, N. and Appadoo, A. (2018). Climate change and marine environment. Presentation during 'Tackling Climate Change in Agriculture: Approaches to Adaptation and Climate Smart Agriculture' training in Réduit, Mauritius in June 2018.

Agriculture: victim, culprit and potentials for adaptation and mitigation - CCAA/CSA Training Mauritius 2018

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Dr. Wiebke Förch
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This presentation 'Agriculture: victim, culprit and potentials for adaptation and mitigation' was held by Dr. Wiebke Förch, GIZ programm advisor at CCARDESA.

The presentation covers

  • climate change
  • effects of climate change on agriculture
  • adaptation and mitigation in agriculture
  • actions to combat climate change

Held at the training 'Tackling Climate Change in Agriculture: Approaches to Adaptation and Climate Smart Agriculture - Réduit, Mauritius'.

Climate Change
Contact name (for further information)
Dr. Wiebke Förch
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Förch, W. (2018). Agriculture: victim, culprit and potentials for adaptation and mitigation. Presentation during 'Tackling Climate Change in Agriculture: Approaches to Adaptation and Climate Smart Agriculture' training in Réduit, Mauritius in June 2018.

GCF - Funding Proposal - Template

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Green Climate Fund
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GCF Funding Proposal


Climate Change
Green Climate Fund
Funding Proposal
Climate Finance and Proposal Writing Training
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Green Climate Fund (2015. GCF Funding Proposal - Template. Green Climate Fund.

Report on Climate-Smart Agriculture Manual Second Workshop in Zimbabwe

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Author or Institution as Author
Todd Ngara

Elisha N. Moyo

Raymond E. Zvavanyange

Desire Nemashakwe

Kudzai Ndidzano

Francis B. Vengai

Lovemore Vambe

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The overall objective of the Second Climate-Smart Agriculture Manual for Agriculture Education Workshop was to gather critical feedback on the draft chapters in the climate-smart agriculture manual by the recruited consultants. The Workshop also sought to lay the foundation for subsequent work on the climate-smart agriculture strategy and policy framework, specific activities described in the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) Technical Assistance Response Plan. The Second National Workshop albeit the first in a series of the formal review process is not the last activity as the review process will continue in early 2017 to include further adjustments within the chapters, stakeholder and technical validation, and final approval by the Government of Zimbabwe of the completed climate-smart agriculture manual.

The participants who attended the Second National Workshop were from various backgrounds such as climate change, agriculture, and food security. They clearly expressed their doubts, appreciation, and suggestions in the ten presented chapters by the recruited consultants. The chapters were put into four groups namely: Productive sector, Environment, Cross-cutting Issues/policy, and Systems Thinking. The consultants openly received both positive and negative criticism, and subsequently indicated their resolve to revise the chapters. The Workshop also set the precedence for possible partnership with other local and international funded programmes in the country, much of which hinges of the completed climate-smart agriculture manual. Participants recommended for the work ahead paying attention to the requirement that the completed manual should be as practical and relevant as possible primarily to Diploma students in agricultural colleges.

Climate Smart Agriculture
Contact name (for further information)
Todd Ngara (PhD)
Contact email (for further information)
Contact phone (for further information)
+45 4533 5291
Contact institution (for further information)
Technical University of Denmark, Department of Management Engineering, United Nations City

Ngara, T., Moyo, E.N., Zvavanyange, R.E., Nemashakwe, D., Ndidzano, K., Vengai, F.B., and Vambe, L. (2016). Proceedings of the 2nd National Stakeholders Consultation and Review of Draft Climate-Smart Agriculture Manual for Agricultural Education in Zimbabwe Workshop held at Cresta Oasis Hotel, Harare, Zimbabwe on December 15, 2016. Harare: Climate Technology Centre and Network

Integrated Weed and Pest Management Practices in Promoting Wide Adoption of Conservation Agriculture in Southern Africa

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This brochure explains the concept of Conservation Agriculture, its benefits and how to deal with pests and diseases when adopting conservation agriculture.

Weed and Pest Management
Conservation Agriculture
Climate Change
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CCARDESA (2015). Integrated Weed and Pest Management Practices in Promoting Wide Adoption of Conservation Agriculture in Southern Africa.


Water Management and Soil Conservation for a climate resilient agriculture

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Beerhalter, S.
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This is a presentation made during the tackling climate change in agriculture training in Zimbabwe. It talks about different concepts and technologies for sustainable use of water and soil.

Climate Change
Climate Smart Agriculture
Climate Resilience
Water Management
Soil Conservation
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Beerhalter, S. (2017). Water Management and Soil Conservation for a climate resilient agriculture. Presentation.

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Farmers Trained


Number of Value Chain Actors Accessing CSA


Lead Farmers Supported