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Protected cultivation: an alternative for farmers to adapt to effects of climate change - CCAA/CSA Training Mauritius 2018

Content Type
Author or Institution as Author
Navindra Boodia
Date of publication
University of Mauritius
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Presentation on 'Protected cultivation: an alternative for farmers to adapt to effects of climate change' by Navindra Boodia, Senior Lecturer at Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mauritius.

Topics addressed:

  • Background: Definition, Types of structures, the current context, objectives
  • Siting and design considerations
  • Adaptation to climate change effects
  • Sheltered farming: in the context of CSA
  • Take-home lessons

Part of the training 'Tackling Climate Change in Agriculture: Approaches to Adaptation and Climate Smart Agriculture - Réduit, Mauritius'.

Climate Change
Climate-smart Agriculture
Sheltered Farming
Protected cultivation

Contact name (for further information)
Navindra Boodia
Contact institution (for further information)
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mauritius

Boodia, N. (2018). Protected cultivation: an alternative for farmers to adapt to effects of climate change. Presentation during 'Tackling Climate Change in Agriculture: Approaches to Adaptation and Climate Smart Agriculture' training in Réduit, Mauritius in June 2018.

Strategies in sustainable intensification of livestock production and its role in climate smart agriculture - CCAA/CSA Training Mauritius 2018

Content Type
Author or Institution as Author
Kamlesh Boodhoo
Date of publication
University of Mauritius
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Presentation 'Strategies in sustainable intensification of livestock production and its role in climate smart agriculture' by K. Boodhoo, Agricultural Production and Systems Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mauritius.

Outline of the content:

  • Role of Livestock Production and the SDGs
  • Typical Animal Production Systems
  • The Livestock and climate change dynamics
  • Areas of CSA interventions in livestock
  • Barriers to implementation of adaptation and mitigation practices

Part of the training 'Tackling Climate Change in Agriculture: Approaches to Adaptation and Climate Smart Agriculture - Réduit, Mauritius'.

Climate Change
Climate-smart agriculture
Sustainable agriculture
Contact name (for further information)
K. Boodhoo
Contact institution (for further information)
University of Mauritius

Boodhoo, K. (2018). Strategies in sustainable intensification of livestock production and its role in climate smart agriculture. Presentation during 'Tackling Climate Change in Agriculture: Approaches to Adaptation and Climate Smart Agriculture' training in Réduit, Mauritius in June 2018.

Dimensions of adaptation options - CCAA/CSA Training Mauritius 2018

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Author or Institution as Author
Catalina Berger
Date of publication
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Action learning: Dimensions of adaptation options. Short exercise on adaptation options presented by Catalina Berger.

Part of the training 'Tackling Climate Change in Agriculture: Approaches to Adaptation and Climate Smart Agriculture - Réduit, Mauritius'.

Climate Change
Contact name (for further information)
Catalina Begrer
Contact email (for further information)
Contact institution (for further information)

Berger, C. (2018). Dimensions of adaptation options. Presentation during 'Tackling Climate Change in Agriculture: Approaches to Adaptation and Climate Smart Agriculture' training in Réduit, Mauritius in June 2018.

Climate-Smart Agriculture: Overview - CCAA/CSA Training Mauritius 2018

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Author or Institution as Author
Dr. Wiebke Förch
Date of publication
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The presentation 'Climate-smart agriculture: overview' by Wiebke Förch, GIZ programm advisor at CCARDESA.

The presentation contains information about

  • Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) concepts and technologies
  • the challenge for CSA programs
  • the enabling environment for CSA
  • concepts and technologies for sustainable use of soil and water
  • Agroforestry
  • (Post) harvest losses/ food losses
  • Indigenous varieties/ breeds
  • Integrated pest management (IPM) and biological pest repellents
  • Agricultural risk insurance

Held at the training 'Tackling Climate Change in Agriculture: Approaches to Adaptation and Climate Smart Agriculture - Réduit, Mauritius'.

Climate Change
Climate-smart Agriculture
Soil and Water Management
Harvest loss
Food loss
Integrated Pest Management
Indigenous varieties/ breeds
Contact name (for further information)
Wiebke Förch
Contact email (for further information)
Contact institution (for further information)

Foerch, W. (2018). Climate-Smart Agriculture: Overview. Presentation during 'Tackling Climate Change in Agriculture: Approaches to Adaptation and Climate Smart Agriculture' training in Réduit, Mauritius in June 2018.

Climate-smart agriculture - overview (local) - CCAA/CSA Training Mauritius 2018

Content Type
Author or Institution as Author
Shane Hardowar
Date of publication
University of Mauritius
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The presentation 'Climate-smart agriculture - overview (local)' by Shane Hardowar, University of Mauritius.


  • an introduction to climate-smart agriculture (CSA)
  • project/research on CSA
  • adaptive and CSA measures practised by farmers
  • examples

Held at the training 'Tackling Climate Change in Agriculture: Approaches to Adaptation and Climate Smart Agriculture - Réduit, Mauritius'.

Climate Change
Climate-smart agriculture
Contact name (for further information)
Shane Hardowar
Contact institution (for further information)
University of Mauritius

Hardowar, S. (2018). Climate-smart agriculture - overview (local). Presentation during 'Tackling Climate Change in Agriculture: Approaches to Adaptation and Climate Smart Agriculture' training in Réduit, Mauritius in June 2018.

Climate Change projections and impacts in SADC (with focus on Mauritius) and importance of climate services for agriculture - CCAA/CSA Training Mauritius 2018

Content Type
Author or Institution as Author
Prof. S. Facknath
Date of publication
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mauritius
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The presentation 'Climate Change projections and impacts in SADC (with focus on Mauritius) and importance of climate services for agriculture' was held by Prof. S. Facknath, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mauritius.

The presentation covers

  • Global Climate Change
  • Climate change in Southern Africa and its impacts on agriculture and food
  • Role of SADC in climate change issues
  • SADC Climate Services Centre (CSC)
  • Climate change and projected impacts in Mauritius
  • National emissions and climate resilience of Mauritius
  • Mauritius’ Technology Action Plan

Held at the training 'Tackling Climate Change in Agriculture: Approaches to Adaptation and Climate Smart Agriculture - Réduit, Mauritius'.

Contact name (for further information)
Prof. S. Facknath
Contact institution (for further information)
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mauritius

Facknath, Prof. S. (2018). Climate Change projections and impacts in SADC (with focus on Mauritius) and importance of climate services for agriculture. Presentation during 'Tackling Climate Change in Agriculture: Approaches to Adaptation and Climate Smart Agriculture' training in Réduit, Mauritius in June 2018.

Thematic introduction: Climate change, adaptation and mitigation - CCAA/CSA Training Mauritius 2018

Content Type
Author or Institution as Author
Catalina Berger
Date of publication
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Youth marker

This presentation 'Thematic introduction: Climate Change, adaptation and mitigation' was held by Catalina Berger.

The presentation deals with integrating climate change adaptation into development planning. A practice-oriented training based on the OECD Policy Guidance.

Held at the training 'Tackling Climate Change in Agriculture: Approaches to Adaptation and Climate Smart Agriculture - Réduit, Mauritius'.

Climate Change
Contact name (for further information)
Catalina Berger
Contact email (for further information)
Contact institution (for further information)

Berger, C. (2018). Thematic intriduction: Climate change, adaptation and mititgation. Presentation during 'Tackling Climate Change in Agriculture: Approaches to Adaptation and Climate Smart Agriculture' training in Réduit, Mauritius in June 2018.

Climate change elements of the SADC Regional Agricultural Policy (RAP) - CCAA/CSA Training Mauritius 2018

Content Type
Author or Institution as Author
Dr. Simon Mwale

Dr. Wiebke Förch

Date of publication
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Youth marker

This is the presentation to the keynote speech: Regional Agricultural Policy (RAP) support to Climate Change Adaptation in the SADC Region by Dr. Simon Mwale, CCARDESA.

The presentation covers

  • situation analysis in the SADC region
  • relevant SADC Regional Policy Frameworks dealing with climate change
  • SADC Regional Agricultural Policy (RAP) - goals and objectives
  • Climate relevant RAP policy statements
  • Alignment of National Policies to Regional Policies
  • role of CCARDESA and its intervention area

Held at the training 'Tackling Climate Change in Agriculture: Approaches to Adaptation and Climate Smart Agriculture - Réduit, Mauritius'.

Climate Change
Regional Agricultural Policy (RAP)
Contact name (for further information)
Dr. Simon Mwale
Contact email (for further information)
Contact institution (for further information)

Mwale, S. and Förch, W. (2016). SADC Regional Context - Climate change elements of the SADC Regional Agricultural Policy (RAP). Presentation during 'Tackling Climate Change in Agriculture: Approaches to Adaptation and Climate Smart Agriculture' training in Réduit, Mauritius in June 2016.

Moving from conservation to climate-smart agriculture

Content Type
Author or Institution as Author
K. Munyinda

M. Mataa, T. Kalinda, K. Walubita, K. Mwansa

Date of publication
University of Zambia
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Youth marker

This presentation talks about the shift in Zambia's agriculture from conservation agriculture (CA) to climate-smart agriculture (CSA). Though improvements in management practices, lifestock management, use of fertilisers and other interventions higher drop yields have been reached.

Climate-smart Agriculture
Conservation agriculture
Agricultural Development
Contact name (for further information)
K. Munyinda
Contact institution (for further information)
University of Zambia, School of agricultural sciences, Department of plant science

K. Munyinda, M. Mataa, T. Kalinda, K. Walubita, K. Mwansa (2016). Moving from conservation to Climate-smart agriculture. University of Zambia, School of agricultural sciences, Department of plant science. Presentation at the Climate Smart Agriculture Conference, August 2016 in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Supporting the adoption of climate smart agriculture by enhancing research uptake through knowledge translation

Content Type
Author or Institution as Author
Dr. O. T. Thakadu
Date of publication
University of Botswana
File format
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Youth marker

This presentation by Dr. O. T. Thakadu

  • defines knowledge translation
  • explains why knowledge translation is needed
  • gives an understanding of different models used in knowledge translation
  • gives an understanding of the kex elements of the framework of knowledge translation strategy
  • identifies challenges and opportunities in knowledge translation
Climate-smart Agriculture
Climate Change
Knowledge Translation
Contact name (for further information)
Dr. O. T. Thakadu
Contact institution (for further information)
Okavango Research Institute, University of Botswana

Thakadu, Dr. O.T. (2017). Supporting the adoption of climate-smart agriculture by enhancing research uptake through knowledge translation. Presentation.

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