Policy Frameworks and Programmes
The presentation highlights the CSA Policy Frameworks and Programmes in Botswana
Kethusegile Raphaka (2020) Policy Frameworks and Programmes, Pg.7
The presentation highlights the CSA Policy Frameworks and Programmes in Botswana
Kethusegile Raphaka (2020) Policy Frameworks and Programmes, Pg.7
Presentation highlights the ACCRA project on Upscaling CSA and accessing climate finance; Zoom-in on the pipeline for CSA concept notes for financing, successes, challenges & climate finance streams
Herding for Health, Green Climate Fund; CYMMTY
Sabass,H(2020) Upscaling CSA and accessing climate finance, Pg7
The presentation highlights the new project funded by GIZ-ACCRA- SADC Climate Risk Analysis and Climate Resilient Development Pathways
University of Leeds
Sabrina Chesterman (2020), SADC Climate Risk Analysis and Climate Resilient Development Pathways,pg 19
The presentation highlights the Climate Vulnerability Assessment; Herding for Health Initiative. Restoring Landscapes and Livelihoods for Climate Resilience in Southern Africa’s Rangelands
Conservation International (CI)
Dr Stephen Holness & Deidre de Vos (2020) Climate Vulnerability Assessment; Herding for Health Initiative. Restoring Landscapes and Livelihoods for Climate Resilience in Southern Africa’s Rangelands , Pg,45
The presentation highlights the SADC/GIZ Adaptation to Climate Change in Rural Areas in Southern Africa (ACCRA) Overview on Programme, achievements and next steps
Sabass, H(2020) SADC/GIZ Adaptation to Climate Change in Rural Areas in Southern Africa (ACCRA) Overview on Programme, achievements and next steps, Pg13
The presentation highlights the Climate Proofing of Sorghum-based production systems in Botswana
Botswana Ministry of Agriculture (2020), Climate Proofing Sorghum-based production systems,Pg49
The presentation highlights the CCARDESA Climate Proofing Workshop Habu Update by Herding for Health
Peace Parks Foundation and Herding for Health
Van Rooyen,J & Heermans. B, (2020) CCARDESA Climate Proofing Workshop Habu Update, pg 8
This presentation highlights CIMMYT 's work in Transforming Maize-legume Value Chains – A Business Case for Climate-Smart Agriculture in Southern Africa
ZARI and Malawi
Thierfelder,C et al,(2020) Transforming Maize-legume Value Chains – A Business Case for Climate-Smart Agriculture in Southern Africa, pg 38
The presentation gives an Overview of the CCARDESA Long-Term Strategy and CSA Programming
Podisi, B,(2020) Overview of the CCARDESA Long-Term Strategy and CSA Programming, Pg 23
This presentation highlights the Herding for Health: Curriculum Development at SAWC
Van Rooyen.J(2020) Herding for Health: Curriculum Development at SAWC, pg 12