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Government of Mozambique reinforces funding for agricultural research for the next three years

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Americo Humulane

Carlos Filimone

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Agricultural Research Institute of Mozambique
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The Government of Mozambique will invest around US$50 million in agricultural research over the next three years. This feat was announced by His Excellency Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, President of the Republic of Mozambique in his opening speech of the First Agricultural Research Symposium held in KaTembe, Municipality of Maputo, from 31 August to 1 September 2022. The investment aims to stimulate and improve agricultural research in Mozambique through the improvement and operation of research and vaccine production laboratories, reinforcement of the multiplication of pre-basic and basic seeds, support in the operationalization of the Rice Research and Leadership Center and impact assessments of agricultural production.

Contact name (for further information)
Américo António Humulane
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Climate Funds Update - The Green Climate Fund - Climate Finance Fundamentals

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Liane Schalatek

Smita Nakhooda, Charlene Watson

Date of publication
Heinrich Böll Stiftung North America
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The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is the newest actor in the multilateral climate finance architecture and became fully operational in 2015, approving USD 168 million for its first eight projects just weeks before COP 21. The GCF is an operating entity of the Financial Mechanism of the UNFCCC. A legally independent institution hosted by South Korea, it has its own secretariat and the World Bank as its interim trustee but functions under the guidance of, and is accountable to, the UNFCCC COP. The 24 GCF Board members, with equal representation of developed and developing countries, and support from the secretariat have been working to operationalise the fund since their first meeting in August 2012. This year the GCF further developed essential policies and frameworks to receive, manage, programme and disburse finance as well as measure and account for its results and impacts. It also accredited its first 20 implementing entities. The initial resource mobilisation effort that began in June 2014, raised USD 10.2 billion from 37 contributing countries (including eight developing countries). In 2015, USD 5.8 billion of pledged finance was formalised through contribution agreements. Heading into COP 21 in Paris, this Climate Finance Fundamental provides a snapshot of the operationalisation and functions of the Fund. The Fund’s role in a post-2020 climate regime as the major finance channel under the Convention as well as the scale of its resourcing remain to be clarified and confirmed in Paris. Past editions of this Climate Finance Fundamental detail the design and operationalisation phases of the Fund.

Other Partners

Overseas Development Institute

Heinrich Böll Stiftung North America

Climate Change
Green Climate Fund
Contact email (for further information)
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+44 (0)20 7922 0300
Contact institution (for further information)
Overseas Development Institute

Schalatek, L. and Nakhooda, S. and Watson, C. (2015). The Green Climate Fund - Climate Finance Fundamentals. Climate Funds Update. Heinrich Böll Stiftung North America and Overseas Development Institute, Washington DC and London


Green Climate Fund (GCF) - Concept note - User's guide

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Author or Institution as Author
Green Climate Fund (GCF)
Date of publication
Green Climate Fund (GCF)
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The objective of this user’s guide is to assist accredited entities to develop a concept note (CN) to be submitted to the Green Climate Fund ("Fund").

As a voluntary step, accredited entities may use the concept note to present a summary of a proposed project/programme to the Fund in order to receive feedback and recommendations from the Secretariat on whether the concept is broadly aligned with the Fund’s objectives. The recommendation will clarify whether the concept is endorsed, not endorsed with a possibility of resubmission, or rejected.

Climate Change
Green Climate Fund
Contact institution (for further information)
Green Climate Fund

Green Climate Fund (2015). Concept Note User's Guide.

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