GIZ-ACCRA together with CCARDESA organised a Climate Finance and Proposal Writing Training in December 2018 in Gaborone, Botswana. The idea of the training was to familiarize delegates from Ministries of Agriculture and Ministries of Planning/Finance with international climate finance mechanisms, and to capacitate them to write good proposals in order to access funding for their agricultural development projects. The training highlighted the most important elements that proposals for the Green Climate Fund (GCF) have to meet. The GCF was used as example because of its complexity and highly demanding writing skills, that are needed for all sorts of project proposals.
Following is the agenda of the training and the presentations.
Introduction to course, Introduction to climate funds, preparation day
- Official opening, General Introduction
- Information on Material and Methods
- Climate Change Basics, Setting a baseline of understanding
- Introduction to cases: Namibia Rangeland and Ecosystem Management, Zambia Renewable Energy Financing Framework
- Introduction to GCF proposal
- Using cases into GCF proposal
- Practising the case method: fitting a case into chapter 3 of the GCF proposal
Vulnerability analysis & proposal LogFrame, core write shop
- Revisiting vulnerability analysis (VA), examples from participants
- From VA to preparing a funding proposal? Various examples
- External input: Dr. Lesolle (University of Botswana) on vulnerability
- Introduction to Social and Environmental Safeguards in GCF proposals
- Introduction to GCF LogFrame & Groupwork
LogFrame & justification for funding, core write-shop
- LogFrame and group work
- Value addition from GCF involvement & group work
Paradigm shift potential & sustainable development, core write-shop
- Paradigm shift potential through GCF involvement & group work
- Question and Answer session with Dr. Lesolle
- Impact potential & Group work
Other GCF chapters, further funding, conclusion
- Impact potential cont' & group work
- Introduction: remaining GCF chapters
- Introduction: other climate funding sources
- Conclusion, evaluation and certification
To see the final training report please CLICK HERE.
More documents related to the Green Climate Fund and proposal writing can be found HERE.