Pache Pache Seed Growers Receive Shot In The Arm
Seed markets
Seed markets
Impact of APPSA support in Malawi for Rice value chain
Groundnuts farming
APPSA Impact in onservation Farming
Impact story
Impact story
In an effort to serve as a 'one stop shop' for climate-related information, data, and tools, the World Bank created the Climate Change Knowledge Portal (or CCKP). The Portal provides an online tool for access to comprehensive global, regional, and country data related to climate change and development.
The World Bank. (2019). The Climate Change Knowledge Product. Available at:
In Zimbabwe, the frequency and length of dry spells during the rainy season have increased in recent years—the consequences of which include increased heat and water stress on natural ecosystems, agricultural crops and livestock, which ultimately affects agriculture communities that depend on agro-based livelihoods negatively. In addition, Zimbabwe continues to use an agro-ecological map from 1960 which divides the country into five agro-ecological regions, in spite of the fact that some of these natural regions may have changed over time. This poses a threat to agriculture, economic growth and development as the climate continues to change.
Climate Techinoloy Centre and Network, UNEP DTU, UK Aid, Adam Smith International, VUNA, Green Impact
Climate-Smart Agriculture Manual for Zimbabwe, Climate Technology Centre and Network, Denmark, 2017
The Permanent Secretary of the Minsitery of Agriculture and Food Security in the Kingdom of Lesotho made a speach to lauch the Phytosanitary Border Inspection Project
Nchaka, Malefetsane. (2019). SPEECH BY THE P.S. OF THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SECURITY. 'Let's prevent the infroducion and spread of pests into our Country'. Maseru, Lesotho. Delivered: 10/01/2019
This programme requires an institutional mechanism to undertake the programme. After extensive stakeholder consultation within the region, and a review of regional and international experience, a semi-autonomous sub-regional organisation (SRO), linked to the SADC Secretariat through a formal memorandum of understanding has been determined as the most appropriate structure for such an agency.
SADC MAPP is designed as a comprehensive 15-year programme of change, arranged around three 5 year phases. The overall programme goal is to bring about pluralistic and strengthened agricultural technology generation and dissemination, together with strengthening linkages among agricultural institutions in the SADC region in order to accelerate smallholder productivity. The result will be market- and smallholder-responsive and accessible agricultural technologies which will create agricultural growth, and increase incomes especially amongst the rural poor. In the first phase, SADC MAPP will focus on two major objectives: