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May 14, 2024

The Centre for Coordination of Agricultural Research and Development for Southern Africa (CCARDESA) concluded the Agricultural Productivity Programme for Southern Africa’s backstopping mission with independent reviewers in Angola. The Angola leg of the mission was undertaken from the 22nd to the 26th of April, 2024.

APPSA is a six-year World Bank funded initiative, currently implemented by Angola and Lesotho with regional coordination by CCARDESA. Angola is establishing a Regional Centre of Leadership in Cassava and Cassava-based farming systems whereas Lesotho is focusing in Horticulture and Horticulture-based farming systems. Both countries are collaborating in the implementation of 43 Research and Development (R&D) sub-projects whose results are expected to benefit the entire Southern Africa Development Community (SADC).

In Angola, the mission took stock of progress made in the implementation of R&D sub-projects and construction of the RCoL. The mission targeted key results from APPSA R&D sub-projects in Huambo, Malanje and Luanda Provinces. Most R&D sub-projects that were visited showed significant progress when compared to the status as recorded during the previous backstopping mission held in August 2023. On maize research, for instance, APPSA in Angola managed to develop 2,600 inbred lines using double haploid technology, currently being screened for further selection. Independent reviewers unanimously referred to this achievement as a remarkable contribution to science given that these lines will benefit breeding programmes at country and regional levels.

Other sub-projects that were visited included one that focuses on rice adaptability under rain-fed conditions with about 5 promising varieties already identified, and another one on bruchid resistant bean varieties, among others. Reviewers also visited sub-projects hosted by the Soil Lab and Plant Health Lab, respectively.

The last day of the backstopping mission focused on 8 sub-projects from the first batch. Most of these sub-projects are expected to close between June and November this year. Scientists leading these R&D sub-projects presented their preliminary results to feed into the overall APPSA results framework.

On infrastructure, Angola is still at the early stages and behind schedule, as they have recorded about 10% completion rate due to delays caused mainly by heavy rains and limited disbursement capacity. Angola was advised to come up with an acceleration plan that will see them complete their planned activities within agreed timeframes.

Overall, the mission recommended the urgent constitution of technology release committees in Angola and Lesotho and capacity building of these committees through training and exchange visits to APPSA Phase 1 countries.


Funding Partners


Beneficiaries Reached


Farmers Trained


Number of Value Chain Actors Accessing CSA


Lead Farmers Supported