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Nov 15, 2023

Sixty-four (64) Scientists leading Research and Development (R&D) sub-projects under the Agricultural Productivity Programme for Southern Africa (APPSA) in the Republic of Angola and the Mountain Kingdom of Lesotho successfully completed a hands-on training on experimental designs, data management and statistical analysis. Facilitated by the Centre for Coordination of Agricultural Research and Development for Southern Africa (CCARDESA), the training was delivered by experts from the Centre of Excellence in Agri-Food Systems and Nutrition from Eduardo Mondlane University to Scientists from the two countries separately. From the 23rd to the 27th of October it was held in Maseru, for Scientists based in Lesotho, whereas from the 6th to the 10th of November 2023 it was in Luanda, for Scientists in Angola.

APPSA is a six-year World Bank funded initiative implemented by Angola and Lesotho with regional coordination by CCARDESA. The project started officially in 2019 and both countries are collaborating in 43 R&D sub-projects. With APPSA approaching its closing stages, most scientists are at an advanced stage with the implementation of R&D sub-projects, and they are expected to develop and publish peer reviewed papers from their work.

This training provided Scientists with relevant tools, including knowledge on the use of specific statistical packages to run different types of analyses. The training was also a contribution towards strengthening of quality of science and capacity of Scientists in generating accurate and well-articulated research outputs. Research results from APPSA are expected to benefit implementing countries and the entire Southern African Development Community (SADC) through spillover effects.

Scientists from Angola and Lesotho unanimously expressed their gratitude for benefiting from this training as most of the R&D sub-projects under implementation have now generated a considerable amount of data, which requires appropriate statistical skills for analyses and generation of results and recommendations. It is worth noting that this initiative is part of a series of training initiatives promoted by CCARDESA as the regional coordinating body for APPSA.

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Beneficiaries Reached


Farmers Trained


Number of Value Chain Actors Accessing CSA


Lead Farmers Supported