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Oct 11, 2024


In a landmark virtual ceremony held on October 10, 2024, the Centre for Coordination of Agricultural Research and Development for Southern Africa (CCARDESA) and the Alliance of Biodiversity International and CIAT, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that promises to bolster agricultural productivity, food nutrition security, and sustainability across the Southern African region. This partnership is set to catalyze transformative changes in agricultural practices and improve the livelihoods of millions.

The MoU was signed by leaders from the two organisations, Prof. Cliff Sibusiso Dlamini, the Executive Director of CCARDESA and Juan Lucas Restrepo, Director General of the Alliance. "Today's event is a landmark convergence of two giants of agricultural transformation on the continent, "Prof. Dlamini remarked , emphasizing the significance of this MoU in shifting the agricultural landscape in Southern Africa. He reiterated the historical impact of the Alliance and expressed optimism about the potential advancements expected from this strategic collaboration.

The MoU outlines a comprehensive framework for cooperation, addressing critical areas that are paramount for the region's agricultural landscape. Key focus areas include:

  • Enhancing agricultural productivity and food and nutrition security: By leveraging research and local knowledge, both organizations aim to promote sustainable agricultural practices that meet the growing demands for food in the region.
  • Sustainable management of natural resources and climate resilience: Recognizing the pressing challenges posed by climate change, the partnership seeks to implement strategies that protect and sustain natural resources while improving farmers' resilience to environmental fluctuations.
  • Market access and commercialization: Expanding access to local, regional, and international markets is essential for improving farmers' income and ensuring equitable growth within agricultural value chains.
  • Advocacy for gender equality: The MoU emphasizes the importance of elevating women's roles in agriculture, ensuring increased employment and leadership opportunities.
  • Capacity building and knowledge management: Both organizations are committed to fostering educational initiatives aimed at empowering agricultural stakeholders, from smallholder farmers to policy makers.

In his address, Prof. Dlamini highlighted the strategic advantage provided by CCARDESA's alignment with the Southern African Development Community (SADC), which allows for effective policy influence and better connectivity with Member States. He articulated the need for scalable approaches to improve the dissemination of agricultural technologies, innovations and management practices (TIMPS) across the region, urging the organizations to focus on three key dimensions: (i) scaling up to influence policy; (ii) scaling out to reach broader populations; and (iii) scaling deep to influence socio-cultural shifts among beneficiaries to enhance the adoption of improved agricultural TIMPS.

Juan Lucas Restrepo, Director General of the Alliance, echoed Prof. Dlamini’s sentiments, stating that the signing of this MoU was "just a formality" as the Alliance already has ongoing activities in nine SADC countries. “However, with this MoU, we need to ensure that our complementarities are fully expressed through better engagement.” His remarks reflected the Alliance’s readiness to capitalize on existing collaborations to harness the full potential of this new partnership for tangible outcomes.

This initiative is timely, given the pressing agricultural challenges in Southern Africa, where food insecurity and climate change pose significant threats to the sector. The partnership aligns closely with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly those aimed at ending hunger, achieving food security, and promoting sustainable agricultural development.

As both organizations embark on this ambitious journey, the call to action is clear. Prof. Dlamini appealed for swift implementation, noting that it is crucial for CCARDESA and the Alliance to engage in consistent monitoring and evaluation, to ensure that this partnership yields meaningful outcomes for the betterment of our region and its people.

The MoU between CCARDESA and the Alliance of Biodiversity International and CIAT represents a significant step towards revitalizing agriculture in Southern Africa. By pooling resources, expertise, and networks, both organizations are poised to tackle the region's agricultural challenges with renewed vigor, ultimately fostering a more sustainable and prosperous future for the region's farmers and other actors engaged in different activities within the agricultural sector.

Funding Partners


Beneficiaries Reached


Farmers Trained


Number of Value Chain Actors Accessing CSA


Lead Farmers Supported